Some of Our Products
Delux bricks products range is characterised by high standard of premium quality and performance that can simultaneously ensure Compressive Strength, Fire and Earthquake Resistance, Durability, Sustainability and Reusable, Economical and Energy Efficiency, Sounds Insulator and Regulated temperature, Termites and Pest Resistance with Environmental Friendly Properties.

Special Top/First Class
Also referred as superior quality bricks due to its high compressive strength and positive attributes. Mostly commonly used bricks in Premium Construction.

Second/ Mitha class Bricks
Bricks having slightly low compressive strength and has perfect dimensions size. Mostly used in medium budget Construction.

KaraPak Bricks
Bricks having high compressive strength of 100 – 200kg/cm2 or above. Mostly used in Boundary wall and off site construction. Easily Dismantle & Reusable & Recyclable.

Picket Bricks
Picket bricks has the highest compressive strength with eneven dimensions. Mostly used in Building foundation, Arch, Cornices & pavement.

Patan and Goriya Bricks
Bricks having medium strength with good water absorption percentage. Mostly used for Drain, water tanks & off-site construction.

First/ Second class Bats
Due to its uneven size it is sold at a lower price for Rural development as a Corporate social responsibility(CSR) Activities.